Your new referral program
If you trust your hairdresser with your physical appearance and your deepest secrets you’d probably trust them with anything, especially their referrals!
And… that’s where the Bay B referral program got started.
Small business and independent service providers get lost in our oversaturated, algorithmed, monetized web and struggle growing without platforms like Google or Yelp for example, but is Yelp really the most reliable resource these days?
The tough reality is that big businesses have no one on their mind besides themselves. We understand it’s not personal it’s “business” but when it comes to struggling small business those lines are blurred.
When these big businesses are providing the visibility, the little guys are not prioritized, and small businesses owners can lose everything they have before they even get started.
Is it our mission to grow our platform so we can provide visibility to the most – firsthand – trusted service providers in hour area that you typically can’t find on Google.
Bay B is your new resource to not only gain access to the best small businesses, service providers, and creators in Seattle but also your new way to get exclusive discounts, priority booking and other rewards with all our referred.